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Product: Elvis
Booth: 2007-07-20


This article provides information on how to deal with multiple Elvis versions and updates.


Starting situation

When installing Elvis, many files are registered. Information about files, their function and relationships, and settings is stored in the Windows registry database. File names and paths also play an important role here. If a new version of Elvis is installed without removing the old registries, version conflicts may occur. For example, old files are found and used because there are still relationships to them.
So, the safest way to avoid problems is to uninstall the old version of Elvis before installing a new version.
Unfortunately, this approach brings with it a new problem. The maintenance of the visualizations of the customers can only be done with the new version, so the Elvis version at the customer must be updated whenever changes have to be made.
However, this circumstance has a very desirable aspect for the customer: his visualization is always state-of-the-art and large version jumps, which may cause problems, are avoided.

IT GmbH strives to minimize the risk of problems when switching to new versions through its own tests and beta tests at the customer’s site (i.e. in real plants). In addition, we inform our customers openly and honestly about all known problems of our software products that may occur. Our goal is to protect our customers from damage as much as possible. In the past, no significant problems have arisen when switching from Elvis versions.

Installation Scenarios

In the following, possible, albeit sometimes not recommended, installation combinations are listed and the respective problems are discussed.

Installation of V2.6 in parallel with V2.5 and V2.4

Version 2.6 installs itself under Elvis 2.6 in the Start menu. The older versions of Elvis appeared under the entry Elvis, version 2.5 under Elvis 2.5. When opening a project from V2.x in configuration V2.6, a database conversion to V1.10 takes place with the creation of a backup copy of the original database. In the V2.6 runtime, you can also open V2.x projects that have not previously been opened in the V2.6 configuration.

Installation of V2.5 in parallel with V2.4

Version 2.5 installs itself under Elvis 2.5 in the Start menu. The older versions of Elvis appeared under the entry Elvis. When opening a project from V2.x in configuration V2.5, a database conversion to V1.9 takes place with the creation of a backup copy of the original database. In the V2.5 runtime, you can also open V2.x projects that have not previously been opened in the V2.5 configuration.

Installation of V2.2 in parallel with V1.3

After installing two Elvis versions, the start menu appears a bit confusing: several identical entries, e.g. “Configuration”, can then appear. Apart from that, it is not clear here which program version is ultimately started by selecting a menu item. When a project from V1.3 is opened in configuration V2.2, a database conversion to V1.8 takes place with the creation of a backup copy of the original database. In the V2.2 runtime, you can also open V1.3 projects that have not previously been opened in the V2.2 configuration.

Installing V2.2 over V1.3

This leads to massive problems in the configuration, be it that the message “Member not found” appears when opening a project and the project explorer remains empty, or that “Wrong database” is reported. Furthermore, when opening a project at runtime, it can happen that the process server can still be started, but the operator station can no longer be started (no reaction in the login dialog). In addition, entries in the start menu can also appear several times here. There are no problems with the installation of WIBUKey V4.0, which is installed together with the Elvis runtime V2.2, because no WIBUKey has yet been installed with Elvis version 1.3.

Update of the runtime V2.0 to V2.2

Since Elvis version 2.0 is still available after calling the setup for the runtime V2.2 the installer message “Another version of this product is already installed…” appears, the V2.0 runtime must first be uninstalled. To do this, the setup of the runtime V2.0 must be called up again from CD and the option “Remove” must be selected in the application management dialog. The usual way of uninstalling via Control Panel » Add/Remove Programs is unfortunately not possible here due to a bug in the setup of the runtime V2.0.
It is also important that when uninstalling the Elvis runtime, the previously installed WIBUKey version 3.1 is not also removed, but remains installed. This must then be uninstalled manually (via Control Panel » Add/Remove Programs) before the V2.2 setup. Alternatively, the setup of the runtime V2.2 can also be executed without uninstalling WIBUKey V3.1: if the installer then reports an error 1722 or similar, only the setup has to be called again, which is then continued and completed. This also results in an update of the WIBUKey software from V3.1 to V4.0.

Update of the configuration V2.0 to V2.2

Since the product code has not yet been changed in the V2.0 configuration setup, it is – theoretically – possible to install the current V2.2 configuration next to or above version 2.0. However, it is not advisable; rather, version 2.0 should be uninstalled first (via Control Panel » Add/Remove Programs) and then version 2.2 should be installed. When opening a project from V2.0 in configuration V2.2, a database conversion to V1.8 takes place – as with a project from V1.3 – with the creation of a backup copy of the original database.

Update from V2.1 to V2.2

If you call up the setup for version 2.2 with an existing Elvis V2.1 installation (with WIBUKey V3.1), the installer message “Another version of this product is already installed…” occurs both during runtime and during configuration. Therefore, Elvis version 2.1 must be completely uninstalled beforehand, whereby – as with version 2.0 – the WIBUKey software is not removed as well. While the configuration V2.2 can then be installed without any problems, WIBUKey version 3.1 must be uninstalled before the installation of the runtime – analogous to version 2.0 – or the setup for the runtime V2.2 must be called twice (see section “Update of the runtime V2.0 to V2.2”). After that, the WIBUKey software is also updated to version 4.0.

Update from V2.2 to V2.3

Here, too, if you call up the setup for version 2.3 with an existing V2.2 installation, the message appears that another product version is already available. If you then uninstall version 2.2 completely (runtime + configuration), WibuKey version 4.0 will be retained.
Subsequently, version 2.3 can be installed without any problems, both in terms of configuration and runtime. There will also be an update from WibuKey V4.0 to V4.10.

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