Version in which the project was created | Elvis 3.3 |
Published on | 22.02.2023 |
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The operating time of a lamp, for example (i.e. how long it has been switched on) can be elegantly determined in Elvis3 with the help of an integral.
To do this, you first insert an integral element into a diagram. Then you bind the data point for switching on/off (even better: the status feedback) of the lamp to the input “I” and the system data point “TimeUTC” to the time input “T” of the integral. The time unit for the integration can be set in the integral properties, e.g. 1 h, 1 min, etc.
In the example project, the unit of time for the integration is set to 1 hour. In addition, the status feedback of a spot lamp is used here as the input value to be integrated.
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