Product: | Elvis |
Version: | 2.0 to 2.4 |
Booth: | 2004-10-12 |
There is a limit to the maximum number of characters when editing in the global script of the process server. The limit can be extended to a maximum of 32767 (hex 7FFF) characters.
In Elvis 2.5, this limitation is no longer present.
1. You start the editor for the Windows registry with Start menu>Run>regedit (or …>regedt32):
2.Go to: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\IT GmbH\Elvis\ElvisPro\ViewFormula
3. Change the value for MaxCharacters to 7FFF (hexadecimal).
If the entry for MaxCharacters is missing, you have to create this entry:
1. New>DWORD Value
2. Name: MaxCharacters
3. Value: 7FFF (hex)