Product: | Elvis |
Version: | 2.7 |
Booth: | 2009-10-26 |
Elvis saves recordings in *.elf files. Sometimes you want to automatically convert them into CSV files for further processing and then combine them if necessary.
With this batch file it is possible to convert log files to csv format.
If you are using an Elvis version prior to Elvis 2.7.673, download and unzip the ElvisLVw .zip . Replace the ElvisLVw .exe in the Elvis directory with the ElvisLVw .exe you just downloaded. If you are using a more recent version of Elvis, the new version of the ElvisLVw .exe is already available.
Save the batch file “convert.bat” to your log directory in Elvis. Then edit the “convert.bat” (right-click on convert.bat – Edit). Replace “log file” with the name of your recording. Then run the “convert.bat” by double-clicking.
For more information about the command line parameters of the ElvisLvw .exe, see the Elvis Operator’s Guide.
With this batch file it is possible to merge multiple csv files.
Combine the csv files that are to be merged into a csv file into a subdirectory and copy the “together.bat” files into the subdirectory. Then run the “together.bat” by double-clicking.
The resulting “together.csv” should then be renamed appropriately.