Product: | Elvis |
Version: | starting at 2.6 |
Booth: | 2008-05-06 |
The example shows how to send values cyclically to the bus from Elvis.
The solution works with three data points:
- Test is the name of the data point whose nominal value is to be sent cyclically to the bus. Note that this DP is not connected to the bus port!
- Cycle is a cyclic timer, in the example 5 seconds, which determines the interval at which the telegrams are sent.
- TestCyclSend is the data point that is connected to the bus. Whenever Cycle changes, it sends the value of Test to the bus (this is realized in the calculation of the nominal value). Note that the associated data point type (here: “EIB Edge”) is a command type so that the value is sent even if it does not change.