Product: | Elvis 3 |
Version: | from 3.2 |
Booth: | 2015-02-04 |
Procedure for updating the project for server and client.
The Problem
If a project is installed for the first time at the customer’s site, fixed/persistent values, settings for automation functions, such as time programs or scenes, are only available in the basic settings of the server project in the Project.elviss> file<.
However, the customer – or even the project planner – usually makes settings immediately after the start of the project or records begin to record values. These settings and values should also be available for the project updates and must not be lost.
The Basics
The above-mentioned data is stored in the so-called sdf file. This is a database file. Unless otherwise set in the support application, this is stored in the project directory. The project directory is the same directory as the <project.config>. In most cases, this means the folder that was transferred to the customer’s computer and here in the “Server” subdirectory.
The file contains all persistent values for data points, but also the configuration for automation functions and, if applicable, recordings and the alarm history.
Deletion of the file will result in the loss of data and is not recommended. If this file is nevertheless deleted, Elvis loads the settings of the settings previously defined in the project from the server project file <Project.elviss>.
What to do if new automation functions or data points have been added
In this case, there is nothing else to consider. The data is available and will be inserted into the database file when the project is started again.
Procedure for changes to existing elements
The procedure described is necessary if the project has already been set up at the customer’s site and is also running. The following changes are the basis for the approach listed here:
- Adding data points in automation functions or recordings
- Changing settings in automation functions or recordings
- Changing pre-existing data points to persistent data points
Step 1: Stop the Elvis Server service.
Step 2: Follow the KnowledgeBase article KB110017 to apply the changes to the customer’s computer.
Step 3a – If ConfigControls are included in the visualization for the changed elements: Start the Server service and open the visualization. Open the corresponding ConfigControl, make the new settings and save them. Now the changes are recorded in the database and can be used.
Step 3b – if there are NO ConfigControls in the visualization: In this case, the database file must be opened with the help of software, we can recommend the free tool CompactView. Be sure to create a backup in advance! Here you will find all the information that you have set or the values that have been set during the runtime. Delete the row belonging to the function from the UserConfig table. Subsequently, the basic settings of the configuration are loaded. Please note that this deletion should only be done if you are sure what you are doing. If in doubt, please contact our support.
Step 4 Start the service and visualization.
Note that if you make changes to the configuration, recordings and alarm history may be stored in a separate database. This setting can be made in the support setting when setting up the project.
Should the sdf file be included in the configuration?
The procedure of transferring the file to the project planning and importing it back to the customer after the changes means that all values set by the customer in the meantime and all records and alarms would be lost. So this is not recommended.